Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

Braender 📽️Video

The Braender
Best Viewed in  Full Screen
Click "Play" then click on Lower RIGHT corner "square"
👇 ♪  📽️ ♪ 👇

  Click here for FULL Screen   

Larger Version
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Monday, October 7, 2019

The Braender in 1928

101st Street
Construction of the Independent Subway System has commenced.
Looking North on a Winter Day

Construction of the Independent Subway System has commenced.
Buildings between West 101st  – 102nd street

No 415  &   No 418  remain today.



Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Braender's Whispering Arch

The Braender has its Own
Whispering Arch
Just Like Grand Central Terminal

You’ll need a friend to check this one out. 
Larry & Michael demonstrate (sort-of).
Each person needs to stand at opposite ends of the of the arch
and face the wall -hmm- unlike the guys below 😊

If one of you speaks in a Whisper 
the other will hear what was said with surprising clarity.
Larry   & Michael
December 2009
Walter under the Whispering Arch
Grand Central Terminal
Whispering  Gallery
Among the loveliness inside Grand Central Terminal - the starry-skied ceiling, the clocks, the chandeliers - are some wonderful architectural mysteries.
One that appears to have been an accident of design is the whispering gallery - where a murmur can be heard from afar is the 1913 gallery of Guastavino tile outside the Oyster Bar on the lower level of the terminal, where three corridors merge under a vaulted ceiling.  
It is an arched hallway, essentially a 4-cornered Catalan vault, sunken slightly from the main floor.
Grand Central’s Whispering Gallery is situated outside of the Oyster Bar & Restaurant -  under beautiful original Gustavino tiles on a low domed ceiling - between two ramps that take you down to the Lower Level.
Face the wall and whisper, and your words can be clearly heard on other side of the 50-foot space - thanks to the way sound waves travel across the vaulted ceiling.
There is no sign to indicate the Whispering Gallery’s presence or how to make it work, so here are its “operating instructions:”
If you stand at one corner of the area and face the ceramic wall (the bottom of a diagonal arch), and if another person stands at the opposite corner and faces the wall, you two will be able to talk to each other across a distance of about 30 feet!
It will sound as if both of you were face-to-face, only a foot or two away from each other.
Moreover, the thousands of people passing buy will not be able to hear your conversation, nor will they have any effect on it.
Stand facing one corner and speak softly to a friend facing the other corner 40 feet away, and your friend should be able to hear you clearly, even if the gallery is crowded.
Two people test the "whispering gallery" and the ability to carry on a conversation at a distance by having them speak into diagonally opposite corners of this vaulted space.
The effect might have been predictable, because it is well known: sibilant high frequencies glance off a shallow curved surface. 
It occurs at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, at St. Paul's Cathedral in London and at many rotundas around the world.
But in fact, "it's a happy coincidence," said Frank J. Prial Jr., an architect with Beyer Blinder Belle, the firm that led the restoration of Grand Central Terminal in the late 1990's.  The firm has no evidence the effect was intentional, he said in a New York Times piece.
The ceiling is one of many ceilings produced in New York in the early 20th century by the Spanish architect Rafael Guastavino y Moreno and his son, Rafael Gustavino and his son .
But other sources say it must have been intentional.
Rafael Gustavino and his son designed this part of the terminal “based on architectural principles that have been used for centuries worldwide - from the Temple of Heaven in Beijing to the Gol Gumbaz in Bijapur, India,” according to New York Curiosities.

Whispering Gallery before the Oyster Bar was added

What’s the Secret of the Whispering Gallery?
Whispering galleries occur whenever a building incorporates a dome, vault, or some kind of circular or elliptical area. 

Sonic “foci” areas appear along the room’s circumference. Stand in one and talk or even whisper, and the sound will reflect along the curvature of the ceiling or wall (called “telegraphing”) and converge at the other “focus” where the other person is standing. Thus, conversations can be carried out between people standing in different parts of the building and over relatively great distances.

The Grand Central Whispering Gallery is a favorite locale for marriage proposals (jazz composer Charles Mingus proposed to his wife there). 
Couples also frequent it on Valentine’s Day.

The Guastavinos also did similar ceiling work in the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, St. Paul’s Chapel at Columbia University, the Great Hall at Ellis Island, Guastavino’s restaurant under the 59th Street Queensboro Bridge the Food Emporium grocery store, and the adjacent Oyster Bar, which also has “foci,” so don’t try to carry one any private conversations in there. READ MORE: